Our Projects

Inclusive Education Project

The Inclusive Education Project is a CBM funded project that aims to improve the school environment and develop appropriate assessment and follow-ups to assure access to quality education by learners with special needs.

The first phase of the project was implemented in Machakos county while the scale up project is implemented in Machakos County and Kajiado county.

Husishwa is a Swhaili word meaning "to include". ADDA's Husishwa is software with tools that promote access to information for Persons with Disabilities. It uses multiple channels to distribute information. It also enables two way communication between two entities. Some of its key features include:

  1.  Use SMS to distribute meeting notices
  2. Users can provide feedback using SMS
  3. Organizations of Persons with Disabilities have the ability to create groups and manage the groups as autonomous organizations.
  4. Attach files and share them to social media

Archived Projects


The EmployAble Project was a 5 year project implemented between 2014 and 2019. The aim of the project was the inclusion of youth with disabilities in vocational training institutions and their support during the transition to the labour market.

Public Participation Project

The public Participation Project was a two-year project that developed and pilot eda Public Participation Disability Inclusion Index (PPDII). The project used Design Thinking and a collaborative Social Design process test and document experiences gained from the deployment of the Index in 7 County Governments.

The Public Participation index is tool is used to benchmark existing programs against best practices for promoting the participation of Persons with Disabilities in Governance processes. The project also developed Husishwa, a digital tool and space that enables Persons with Disabilities to communicate and share information with public sector organizations.

Current Partners


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